Entrance hallway: concrete skim and painted side walls leading to large digital screen featuring newest game release promos.
 Digitally illuminated translucent concrete walls with iconic neon medallion logo.
 Digital side wall screens behind scrim panels.
 Scrim planes tunnel way leading to digital screen
 Concrete skim coated walls with base cove illumination with logo plinth
 Geometric form seating with color and materials play and large digital screen
Concepts for common meeting area
 Full digital wall with colored glass tables and Eames seating
 Color immersion space with digital wall and colored glass tables
 Color immersion library
 Library: diagonal gesture walls, white and warm wood contrast
 Warm wooden library walls with slat ceiling
 Clean, streamlined library space with dimensional puzzle table
 Warm wooden toned walls with slat wall screen
 Wood and glass wall contrast
 Library / thinking space with color band
Concept for video game controller wall installation
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